Metelka Competition  

PRAGUE, 3.–7. June 2025

Application for participation at the
VI. International Violin Making Competition Prague
3.–7. June 2025

The number of participants is now complete.
We are sorry, it is not possible to apply any more.

You can send us an email and we will register you as a substitute, should any competitor withdraw from participation.

To be returned by and not later than April 15, 2025.

The participant is obliged to pay the participation fee of 2500 Kč by a wire transfer to the Organizer's account number IBAN: CZ11 2700 0000 0013 2753 5001, or of €100 to the account number IBAN: CZ58 2700 0000 0013 2753 5028. Both accounts are held at UniCredit Bank, Jungmannova 31, 110 00 Praha 1, BIC/SWIFT: BACXCZPP. Accounts holder: Společnost Věnceslava Metelky z.s.. The application becomes valid only after receipt of the payment.